Who: HARMFUL HUMANS! And university student Ben McNeil the researcher
What: Marine life and coral reefs are being harmed by the rise of Carbon Dioxide in the ocean water. Increase in temperature and acidity harms the skeletal framework that coral use to create the reefs, causing the reef to actually dissolve
Where: All around the world, 9733 reef locations are already counted as effected by higher carbon dioxide levels and acidity.
When: April 2nd 2009, reported.
Why: The reason marine lives are effected and corals are being destroyed is due to the amount of pollution humans are dispersing into the environment.
How: Carbon Dioxide is causing a rise of temperature and greater acidity in the ocean. For instance, the atmosphere becomes warmer (global warming) and this will cause a rise in temperature. This extra heat affects the metabolism of corals. Therefore the sea absorbs more carbon dioxide.
My Opinion: Obviously the levels of Carbon Dioxide that are in our atmosphere today are posting a potential threat to the oceanic life if we do not change anything. God created the earth perfectly in the beginning, and this means that every level of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and any other type of gas in the atmosphere was at its perfect state. Getting back to a sustainable state of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could take time, but in order to save what we were meant to take care of… I think its time everyone should be willing to put in. Corals are absolutely gorgeous, and not only do they look beautiful, but they are the natural habitat for thousands of sea creatures who need that environment to live in. If we affect these corals, imagine how many other factors we would be affecting. The abuse we thrash onto our environment will always bounce back to us, and it won’t be pretty.
There’s Something Fishy About These Cows http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090329205457.htm
Summary: Who: Cows What: Recent Research shows that by adding the omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish oils, to a cow’s diet can improve their heart/circulatory system, improve meat quality, and decreases their flatulence. Researchers from the University College Dublin reported that by merely including 2% fish oil in the diet of cattle, they witnessed a reduction in the amount of methane released by the animals through flatulence. These methane emissions are 20 times more powerful in trapping solar energy than carbon dioxide so they are a very, very potent greenhouse gas. Approximately 50% of Ireland’s agricultural methane emissions are from their farm animals, so this is something they are seriously considering. Where: Dublin, Ireland When: March 30, 2009 6:09 am Why: One of the researchers, Dr Loraine Lillis, said, “The fish oil affects the methane-producing bacteria in the rumen part of the cow's gut, leading to reduced emissions.” A cow’s methane emissions, which add up to about 900 billion tonnes a year, are produced by these bacteria. Since methane is 20 times more powerful in trapping solar energy, making it a very potent greenhouse gas, the amount of emissions need to be reduced drastically. Since nearly half of Ireland’s agricultural methane emissions result from farm animals, this introduction of fish oil will greatly lower that statistic. If farmers can reduce the methane emissions from their animals they may not need to look into putting a cap on the number of animals in animal production. How: Researchers and farmers are already beginning to introduce this new ingredient to the cows diet and farmers all over the world will be implementing this in the near future.
My Opinion: If we are ever going to help prevent global warming, this is something we really should look into more. I mean, if something as simple as putting a little oil into our farm animal’s food will have this huge impact, then I think we should do it. If farmers can lower the methane emissions from their animals through this, then they wont have to put on the number of animals they currently have, so it wont cost them money or impact their lifestyle. We really need to take action in helping to stop global warming and this is one of the many simple ways we could do it.
A huge population of rare dolphins threatened by climate change and fishing nets has been discovered in South Asia. Researchers with the Wildlife Conservation Society estimate that nearly 6,000 Irrawaddy dolphins, marine mammals that are related to orcas or killer whales, were found living in freshwater regions of Bangladesh’s Sundarbans mangrove forest and adjacent waters of the Bay of Bengal. There has been hardly any marine mammal research done in this area up to this point. Each discovery of Irrawaddy dolphins is important because scientists do not know how many remain on the planet. Prior to this study, the largest known populations of Irrawaddy dolphins numbered in the low hundreds or less. In 2008, they were listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List based on population declines in known dolphin populations. "This discovery gives us great hope that there is a future for Irrawaddy dolphins," said Brian D. Smith, lead author of a study describing the discovery. “Bangladesh clearly serves as an important sanctuary for Irrawaddy dolphins, and conservation in this region should be a top priority.”
Summary Who: Irrawaddy Dolphins
What: 6000 rare Irrawaddy dolphins have been found in South Asia
When: April 1, 2009
Where: South Asia
Why: Little research has been done so far on this area and so it was an amazing discovery to find so many dolphins living in the one area. Before this great find, the largest known population of the Irrawaddy dolphin was in the low hundreds or less.
How: It is not exactly known yet why they are so abundant in this certain area. Further research will be needed.
My Opinion I think that it’s great that they have all of a sudden found so many of these dolphins. It’s always nice to hear about a dwindling species regenerating. Nowadays, it’s always good to hear about the few positive things happening in the environment. Articles like this are able to remind us that there still might be hope in changing the horrible effects we’ve had on the environment.
Japan Races to Build a Zero-emission Car http://www.enn.com/business/article/39002
Who: Japanese Car Dealerships What: Zero-emission vehicles – electric cars When: Nissan Motor Co. aims to start selling an electric car in the United States and Japan in 2010 and the rest of the world in 2012. Where: United States and European manufactures want to put them on the market within a few years. Japan is already planning on launching an electric car next year. Why: Electric cars are environmentally friendly, not creating as near as much pollution. It’s been hard to get them on the market because of limited battery life which makes the vehicles not very practical. How: With the technological breakthrough in long lasting lithium-ion batteries, which make it actually possible for the zero-emission automobiles. Mitsubishi's electric car now runs 160 kilometres (100 miles) on one charge, which takes 14 hours when using a conventional 100 volt outlet on the wall, or 30 minutes to charge 80 percent of the battery using a special quick charger. My Opinion: In my opinion I think it’s brilliant if these zero-emission cars could work. It would be so much better on the environment, and would help so much in global warming and pollution. Other Japanese automakers have been working to create fuel cell cars, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water. It would just be amazing to cut back any unnecessary pollution where possible. The two biggest problems that they face with the vehicles are the price and the short mileage per charge. But the technology of the lithium-ion batteries will still advance and is supposed to triple the current distance in just 10 years. So if they find an even more efficient way for the cars it will just be all the better.
Ice-free Arctic Ocean Possible In 30 Years, Not 90 As Previously Estimated
Who: Humans-contributors of global warming. What: an ice-free arctic ocean. Where: the Arctic. When: in 30 years. Why: The reason there might be an ice-free arctic ocean in 30 years instead of 90 years is because the way we treat our environment. We have a huge contribution in global warming because of cars, factories, etc. How: The constant rise of temperature globally melts glaciers a lot faster than expected.
My opinion: I think that we need to raise awareness and do something about all the emissions we produce. We need to clean our environment and save what is left of it.
WHY: For the obvious reason of completely eliminating emmision from gas powered vehicles by eliminating gas power vehicles all together.
HOW: Create electric powered cars( and trucks hopefully)
Opinion: Super ideas being thrown around, love how everyone is actually thinking about the environment now. My only gripe is the designs of the vehicles, I mean commom they are really starting to make me feel nauseous.
China Faces Environmental Crisis http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3683574.stm China's rapidly growing cities are among the world's most polluted A senior Chinese official has told the BBC the country's environmental problems have reached crisis levels. Pan Yue, deputy head of the State Environmental Protection Administration, said the problems now threatened economic performance.
He said China's industrial development was unsustainable, because its resources could not cope.
Environmental problems like pollution, acid rain and contaminated rivers have only now become a key policy issue.
Mr Pan said that China could no longer afford to follow the West's resources-hungry model of development and it should encourage its citizens to avoid adopting the developed world's consumer habits.
We need new laws and regulations otherwise we're just talking slogans Pan Yue He said previous attempts to create a cleaner environment had not been carried out properly and there would now be a raft of new laws and regulations aimed at promoting sustainable development.
"Now the question is how we adjust the model of development. This is a key issue which is being discussed at the highest levels of government. We've been talking about sustainable development for 12 years, but it's not been carried out properly.
"Now we've learnt the lesson. We need new laws and regulations, otherwise we're just talking slogans. It's important to make Chinese people not blatantly imitate Western consumer habits so as not to repeat the mistakes by the industrial development of the west over the past 300 years," he said.
This is not to say that Beijing is to abandon its economic ambitions.
The pace of industrial development over the past 20 years has been unprecedented in human history and Mr Pan acknowledged that there would be political and social problems if China's economic growth rate was not sustained.
But he said that more emphasis should be placed on renewable energy, replacing its coal-fired power stations with greener technology, and penalising factories that cause pollution.
Who: China What: China is facing an environmental crisis due to how their industrial sector was built up. Where: China When: NOW! Why:Pollution, acid rain, contaminated rivers, are all becoming a huge issue in China due to the pace of industrial development over the past 20 years. No consideration went into being green and protecting the environment. My Opinion: China should implement better plans to clean up their waste and pollution and to help improve their environment. It is no surprise that it has come to this. Every tag on an item that you look at says "Made In China". They produce a huge amount of the world's products and now they are suffering for poor planning.
Who- Tigers of the world What -The population of tigers in the last century has declined by 95 percent and some fear that they will be extinct by 2010. when - September 07.2008 Where -The Bali, Caspian, and Javan tigers are already classified as extinct. Why -Tiger bone is in high demand for Chinese medicine and medicine containing tiger parts have been in demand in other parts of the world. How - poaching, illegal trading of animal furs
My Opinion- These tigers and other animals quite like it should not go unnoticed. We need to crack down on these poachers and illegal traders, just like mighty Joe young and his hordes of animal lovers. Yes sustaining the environment is important but what is the point in sustaining it if there is no life no live in it. and thats what I think.
Who: Ocean critters and Spaniards (Spanish researchers) What: Dead sea zones Where: The oceans When: Since 1960 Why: There is a lack of Oxygen in parts of the ocean killing sea animals How: We need Oxygen My Opinion: Toxins flowing down the Mississippi have caused an area the size of Oregon to become un-inhabitable. This is outrageous! Oregon is such a small state! We need to do a better job at ruining our environment. On a slightly more serious note, this is disheartening. Our ocean’s may be are only chance at getting fresh water (after de-salting it) if we ruin the Oxygen then we ruin our lives!!!!!
Who - This is affecting our water which then affects us humans
What - "The process of disinfecting water with chlorine and chloramines and other types of disinfectants generates a class of compounds in the water that are called disinfection byproducts. The disinfectant reacts with the organic material in the water and generates hundreds of different compounds. Some of these are toxic, some can cause birth defects, some are genotoxic, which damage DNA, and some we know are also carcinogenic."
When - April 6, 2009 05:25 AM
Where - Everywhere that we are purifying water......which is THE WHOLE PLANET!!......give or take a few really un-developed places
Why - The 10-year study began with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant to develop mammalian cell lines that would be used specifically to analyze the ability of these compounds to kill cells, or cytotoxicity, and the ability of these emerging disinfection byproducts to cause genomic DNA damage.
How - In addition to drinking water DBPs, Plewa said that swimming pools and hot tubs are DBP reactors. "You've got all of this organic material called 'people' -- and people sweat and use sunscreen and wear cosmetics that come off in the water. People may urinate in a public pool. Hair falls into the water and then this water is chlorinated. But the water is recycled again and again so the levels of DBPs can be tenfold higher than what you have in drinking water."
In my Opinion - It seems as though just drinking tap water is more healthier for you.....and it much better for the environment and for our economy. It helps the planet and it helps us. Even though sometimes this water can be bad for it seems that over purifying isn't doing us any better either. So what do we do? It seems as though everything on this planet no matter what way you slice it we can't win, so we will just have to pick the better of the two.....because we all know that you can't have your cake and eat it too!!!!........Or maybe the real reason everything ends up biting us in the butt (something is bad so we try and fix it , only to find out that whatever we did to fix it is worse for us or the situation) - this ongoing pattern......the world or us as a human race is just doomed...and we need to just let go and not be so paranoid......or maybe not
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080206191952.htm Climate Change Impacting Marine Environment Surrounding UK
ScienceDaily (Feb. 13, 2008) — Climate change is having a significant impact on the United Kingdom’s marine environment according to a new report. The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership report card 2007-08 highlights just how much climate change has affected the UK’s marine environment and what the future impacts may be..
2006 was the second warmest year for UK coastal waters since records began in 1870; seven of the 10 warmest years have been in the last decade. Warmer winters have been strongly linked to reduced breeding success and survival in some seabird populations. Models predict fewer storms in future but there will be increased numbers of severe storms. Coastal erosion and flooding is expected to increase. Marine climate change is having a significant impact on the marine environment and the goods and services it provides. Coastal erosion is occurring along 17 per cent of the UK coastline (30 per cent of England’s coastline; 23 per cent of Wales; 20 per cent of Northern Ireland; 12 per cent Scotland). Recent warmer conditions and associated shifts in the abundance and geographical distribution of plankton have led to reduced availability of prey fish for some seabirds, which has been strongly linked to recent poor breeding success and reduced survival rates. The impacts of climate change on the commercial services provided by our seas will be significant. Sea-level rise, coastal flooding, storms and bigger waves will affect ports, shipping and built structures. Fishing and fish farming will be affected by temperature change and plankton (prey) availability. Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, Richard Lochhead, said:“Climate change, including marine climate change, is one of the most serious threats facing us today. It is a truly global issue and can only be tackled if we work together. Our seas play a vital role in regulating our climate and are a lifeline for the communities that live around them.
“Our winters are getting wetter and warmer, sea levels are rising and coastal erosion is increasing. Our marine wildlife is now having to cope with these as well as other pressures, and is beginning to suffer as a result. Our marine industries also have to cope with changes. These are happening now and we must take action."
what - The Marine life in the UK where - In the UK why - From the polutions and the environmental chnage in the waters is killing the marine animals. My Opinion - I think we should be more careful on how many boats we are sticking in the water and if there are oil spills in the ocean we should act more quickly on them. I think as the people that are suppose to take care of the earth we should really see how we could make a difference for the marine animals.
Ringed seals in the Baltic Sea are finding fewer and fewer ice caves in which to raise their young. Rising global temperatures are the problem, and in turn are depleting the main food source of the giant polar bear, say scientists.
Ever since the film 'An Inconvenient Truth' showed a polar bear swimming towards a solitary and fragile ice floe, the endangered species has become a symbol of the consequences of climate change.
Where:The Antartic When:April 7th Who:Julio Godoy My opinion:The seals are loosing the ice they need to survive. If the ice fields and ice caves are leaving there will be big ripples. The cycle will keep on going like a snowball, no ice no seals no polar bears.....no people....
Who: To whom it may concern What: The Five Most Important Things You Can Do for the Environment When: Right Now Where: Everywhere Why: In order to help out our environment and conserve our resources. It’s important to conserve our recourses. How: Having less children would help keep the population stable. Over population is one of the world’s most serious problems. Using less water and keeping it clean. Eating responsibly supports local farmers. Conserving energy and using a renewable resource. Like instead of a car ride a bike or take a bus. Just drive less Reduce your carbon footprints. Many human activities are like big industries are using to much carbon dioxide causing the greenhouse affect.
Who: Airports, airlines, and agencies What: Swine flu is killing people... When: April 27, 2009 Where: Everywhere. Deaths in Mexico though. Why: Because that's the way the cookie crumbles? How: Uh, not landing in some places..
My opinion: The flu sucks. People should just stay inside and not have any sort of contact with any other human being until they are better.
Heat and Acidity Ganging Up on Coral
Who: HARMFUL HUMANS! And university student Ben McNeil the researcher
What: Marine life and coral reefs are being harmed by the rise of Carbon Dioxide in the ocean water. Increase in temperature and acidity harms the skeletal framework that coral use to create the reefs, causing the reef to actually dissolve
Where: All around the world, 9733 reef locations are already counted as effected by higher carbon dioxide levels and acidity.
When: April 2nd 2009, reported.
Why: The reason marine lives are effected and corals are being destroyed is due to the amount of pollution humans are dispersing into the environment.
How: Carbon Dioxide is causing a rise of temperature and greater acidity in the ocean. For instance, the atmosphere becomes warmer (global warming) and this will cause a rise in temperature. This extra heat affects the metabolism of corals. Therefore the sea absorbs more carbon dioxide.
My Opinion: Obviously the levels of Carbon Dioxide that are in our atmosphere today are posting a potential threat to the oceanic life if we do not change anything. God created the earth perfectly in the beginning, and this means that every level of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and any other type of gas in the atmosphere was at its perfect state. Getting back to a sustainable state of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could take time, but in order to save what we were meant to take care of… I think its time everyone should be willing to put in. Corals are absolutely gorgeous, and not only do they look beautiful, but they are the natural habitat for thousands of sea creatures who need that environment to live in. If we affect these corals, imagine how many other factors we would be affecting. The abuse we thrash onto our environment will always bounce back to us, and it won’t be pretty.
There’s Something Fishy About These Cows
Who: Cows
What: Recent Research shows that by adding the omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish oils, to a cow’s diet can improve their heart/circulatory system, improve meat quality, and decreases their flatulence. Researchers from the University College Dublin reported that by merely including 2% fish oil in the diet of cattle, they witnessed a reduction in the amount of methane released by the animals through flatulence. These methane emissions are 20 times more powerful in trapping solar energy than carbon dioxide so they are a very, very potent greenhouse gas. Approximately 50% of Ireland’s agricultural methane emissions are from their farm animals, so this is something they are seriously considering.
Where: Dublin, Ireland
When: March 30, 2009 6:09 am
Why: One of the researchers, Dr Loraine Lillis, said, “The fish oil affects the methane-producing bacteria in the rumen part of the cow's gut, leading to reduced emissions.” A cow’s methane emissions, which add up to about 900 billion tonnes a year, are produced by these bacteria. Since methane is 20 times more powerful in trapping solar energy, making it a very potent greenhouse gas, the amount of emissions need to be reduced drastically. Since nearly half of Ireland’s agricultural methane emissions result from farm animals, this introduction of fish oil will greatly lower that statistic. If farmers can reduce the methane emissions from their animals they may not need to look into putting a cap on the number of animals in animal production.
How: Researchers and farmers are already beginning to introduce this new ingredient to the cows diet and farmers all over the world will be implementing this in the near future.
My Opinion:
If we are ever going to help prevent global warming, this is something we really should look into more. I mean, if something as simple as putting a little oil into our farm animal’s food will have this huge impact, then I think we should do it. If farmers can lower the methane emissions from their animals through this, then they wont have to put on the number of animals they currently have, so it wont cost them money or impact their lifestyle. We really need to take action in helping to stop global warming and this is one of the many simple ways we could do it.
-Ashleigh Miller
6,000 Rare Dolphins Found in South Asia
A huge population of rare dolphins threatened by climate change and fishing nets has been discovered in South Asia. Researchers with the Wildlife Conservation Society estimate that nearly 6,000 Irrawaddy dolphins, marine mammals that are related to orcas or killer whales, were found living in freshwater regions of Bangladesh’s Sundarbans mangrove forest and adjacent waters of the Bay of Bengal. There has been hardly any marine mammal research done in this area up to this point. Each discovery of Irrawaddy dolphins is important because scientists do not know how many remain on the planet. Prior to this study, the largest known populations of Irrawaddy dolphins numbered in the low hundreds or less. In 2008, they were listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List based on population declines in known dolphin populations. "This discovery gives us great hope that there is a future for Irrawaddy dolphins," said Brian D. Smith, lead author of a study describing the discovery. “Bangladesh clearly serves as an important sanctuary for Irrawaddy dolphins, and conservation in this region should be a top priority.”
Who: Irrawaddy Dolphins
What: 6000 rare Irrawaddy dolphins have been found in South Asia
When: April 1, 2009
Where: South Asia
Why: Little research has been done so far on this area and so it was an amazing discovery to find so many dolphins living in the one area. Before this great find, the largest known population of the Irrawaddy dolphin was in the low hundreds or less.
How: It is not exactly known yet why they are so abundant in this certain area. Further research will be needed.
My Opinion
I think that it’s great that they have all of a sudden found so many of these dolphins. It’s always nice to hear about a dwindling species regenerating. Nowadays, it’s always good to hear about the few positive things happening in the environment. Articles like this are able to remind us that there still might be hope in changing the horrible effects we’ve had on the environment.
Environmental Article Summary #11
Rebekah McMurphy
April 3rd, 2009
Geography 12
Japan Races to Build a Zero-emission Car
Japanese Car Dealerships
Zero-emission vehicles – electric cars
Nissan Motor Co. aims to start selling an electric car in the United States and Japan in 2010 and the rest of the world in 2012.
United States and European manufactures want to put them on the market within a few years. Japan is already planning on launching an electric car next year.
Electric cars are environmentally friendly, not creating as near as much pollution. It’s been hard to get them on the market because of limited battery life which makes the vehicles not very practical.
With the technological breakthrough in long lasting lithium-ion batteries, which make it actually possible for the zero-emission automobiles. Mitsubishi's electric car now runs 160 kilometres (100 miles) on one charge, which takes 14 hours when using a conventional 100 volt outlet on the wall, or 30 minutes to charge 80 percent of the battery using a special quick charger.
My Opinion:
In my opinion I think it’s brilliant if these zero-emission cars could work. It would be so much better on the environment, and would help so much in global warming and pollution.
Other Japanese automakers have been working to create fuel cell cars, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water. It would just be amazing to cut back any unnecessary pollution where possible. The two biggest problems that they face with the vehicles are the price and the short mileage per charge. But the technology of the lithium-ion batteries will still advance and is supposed to triple the current distance in just 10 years. So if they find an even more efficient way for the cars it will just be all the better.
Andrei Eremia
Ice-free Arctic Ocean Possible In 30 Years, Not 90 As Previously Estimated
Who: Humans-contributors of global warming.
What: an ice-free arctic ocean.
Where: the Arctic.
When: in 30 years.
Why: The reason there might be an ice-free arctic ocean in 30 years instead of 90 years is because the way we treat our environment. We have a huge contribution in global warming because of cars, factories, etc.
How: The constant rise of temperature globally melts glaciers a lot faster than expected.
My opinion: I think that we need to raise awareness and do something about all the emissions we produce. We need to clean our environment and save what is left of it.
WHO: Nissian's representatives
WHAT: A new prototype electric car from nissian.
WHEN:April 5th, 2009
WHY: For the obvious reason of completely eliminating emmision from gas powered vehicles by eliminating gas power vehicles all together.
HOW: Create electric powered cars( and trucks hopefully)
Opinion: Super ideas being thrown around, love how everyone is actually thinking about the environment now. My only gripe is the designs of the vehicles, I mean commom they are really starting to make me feel nauseous.
China Faces Environmental Crisis
China's rapidly growing cities are among the world's most polluted
A senior Chinese official has told the BBC the country's environmental problems have reached crisis levels.
Pan Yue, deputy head of the State Environmental Protection Administration, said the problems now threatened economic performance.
He said China's industrial development was unsustainable, because its resources could not cope.
Environmental problems like pollution, acid rain and contaminated rivers have only now become a key policy issue.
Mr Pan said that China could no longer afford to follow the West's resources-hungry model of development and it should encourage its citizens to avoid adopting the developed world's consumer habits.
We need new laws and regulations otherwise we're just talking slogans
Pan Yue
He said previous attempts to create a cleaner environment had not been carried out properly and there would now be a raft of new laws and regulations aimed at promoting sustainable development.
"Now the question is how we adjust the model of development. This is a key issue which is being discussed at the highest levels of government. We've been talking about sustainable development for 12 years, but it's not been carried out properly.
"Now we've learnt the lesson. We need new laws and regulations, otherwise we're just talking slogans. It's important to make Chinese people not blatantly imitate Western consumer habits so as not to repeat the mistakes by the industrial development of the west over the past 300 years," he said.
This is not to say that Beijing is to abandon its economic ambitions.
The pace of industrial development over the past 20 years has been unprecedented in human history and Mr Pan acknowledged that there would be political and social problems if China's economic growth rate was not sustained.
But he said that more emphasis should be placed on renewable energy, replacing its coal-fired power stations with greener technology, and penalising factories that cause pollution.
Who: China
What: China is facing an environmental crisis due to how their industrial sector was built up.
Where: China
When: NOW!
Why:Pollution, acid rain, contaminated rivers, are all becoming a huge issue in China due to the pace of industrial development over the past 20 years. No consideration went into being green and protecting the environment.
My Opinion: China should implement better plans to clean up their waste and pollution and to help improve their environment. It is no surprise that it has come to this. Every tag on an item that you look at says "Made In China". They produce a huge amount of the world's products and now they are suffering for poor planning.
Jesse Ord
Declining Number Of Tigers
Who- Tigers of the world
What -The population of tigers in the last century has declined by 95 percent and some fear that they will be extinct by 2010.
when - September 07.2008
Where -The Bali, Caspian, and Javan tigers are already classified as extinct.
Why -Tiger bone is in high demand for Chinese medicine and medicine containing tiger parts have been in demand in other parts of the world.
How - poaching, illegal trading of animal furs
My Opinion- These tigers and other animals quite like it should not go unnoticed. We need to crack down on these poachers and illegal traders, just like mighty Joe young and his hordes of animal lovers. Yes sustaining the environment is important but what is the point in sustaining it if there is no life no live in it. and thats what I think.
Who: Ocean critters and Spaniards (Spanish researchers)
What: Dead sea zones
Where: The oceans
When: Since 1960
Why: There is a lack of Oxygen in parts of the ocean killing sea animals
How: We need Oxygen
My Opinion: Toxins flowing down the Mississippi have caused an area the size of Oregon to become un-inhabitable. This is outrageous! Oregon is such a small state! We need to do a better job at ruining our environment. On a slightly more serious note, this is disheartening. Our ocean’s may be are only chance at getting fresh water (after de-salting it) if we ruin the Oxygen then we ruin our lives!!!!!
10-Year Study Uncovers Toxic Aspects of DBPs
Summary :
Who - This is affecting our water which then affects us humans
What - "The process of disinfecting water with chlorine and chloramines and other types of disinfectants generates a class of compounds in the water that are called disinfection byproducts. The disinfectant reacts with the organic material in the water and generates hundreds of different compounds. Some of these are toxic, some can cause birth defects, some are genotoxic, which damage DNA, and some we know are also carcinogenic."
When - April 6, 2009 05:25 AM
Where - Everywhere that we are purifying water......which is THE WHOLE PLANET!!......give or take a few really un-developed places
Why - The 10-year study began with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant to develop mammalian cell lines that would be used specifically to analyze the ability of these compounds to kill cells, or cytotoxicity, and the ability of these emerging disinfection byproducts to cause genomic DNA damage.
How - In addition to drinking water DBPs, Plewa said that swimming pools and hot tubs are DBP reactors. "You've got all of this organic material called 'people' -- and people sweat and use sunscreen and wear cosmetics that come off in the water. People may urinate in a public pool. Hair falls into the water and then this water is chlorinated. But the water is recycled again and again so the levels of DBPs can be tenfold higher than what you have in drinking water."
In my Opinion - It seems as though just drinking tap water is more healthier for you.....and it much better for the environment and for our economy. It helps the planet and it helps us. Even though sometimes this water can be bad for it seems that over purifying isn't doing us any better either. So what do we do? It seems as though everything on this planet no matter what way you slice it we can't win, so we will just have to pick the better of the two.....because we all know that you can't have your cake and eat it too!!!!........Or maybe the real reason everything ends up biting us in the butt (something is bad so we try and fix it , only to find out that whatever we did to fix it is worse for us or the situation) - this ongoing pattern......the world or us as a human race is just doomed...and we need to just let go and not be so paranoid......or maybe not
Climate Change Impacting Marine Environment Surrounding UK
ScienceDaily (Feb. 13, 2008) — Climate change is having a significant impact on the United Kingdom’s marine environment according to a new report. The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership report card 2007-08 highlights just how much climate change has affected the UK’s marine environment and what the future impacts may be..
2006 was the second warmest year for UK coastal waters since records began in 1870; seven of the 10 warmest years have been in the last decade.
Warmer winters have been strongly linked to reduced breeding success and survival in some seabird populations.
Models predict fewer storms in future but there will be increased numbers of severe storms.
Coastal erosion and flooding is expected to increase.
Marine climate change is having a significant impact on the marine environment and the goods and services it provides.
Coastal erosion is occurring along 17 per cent of the UK coastline (30 per cent of England’s coastline; 23 per cent of Wales; 20 per cent of Northern Ireland; 12 per cent Scotland).
Recent warmer conditions and associated shifts in the abundance and geographical distribution of plankton have led to reduced availability of prey fish for some seabirds, which has been strongly linked to recent poor breeding success and reduced survival rates.
The impacts of climate change on the commercial services provided by our seas will be significant. Sea-level rise, coastal flooding, storms and bigger waves will affect ports, shipping and built structures. Fishing and fish farming will be affected by temperature change and plankton (prey) availability.
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, Richard Lochhead, said:“Climate change, including marine climate change, is one of the most serious threats facing us today. It is a truly global issue and can only be tackled if we work together. Our seas play a vital role in regulating our climate and are a lifeline for the communities that live around them.
“Our winters are getting wetter and warmer, sea levels are rising and coastal erosion is increasing. Our marine wildlife is now having to cope with these as well as other pressures, and is beginning to suffer as a result. Our marine industries also have to cope with changes. These are happening now and we must take action."
what - The Marine life in the UK
where - In the UK
why - From the polutions and the environmental chnage in the waters is killing the marine animals.
My Opinion - I think we should be more careful on how many boats we are sticking in the water and if there are oil spills in the ocean we should act more quickly on them. I think as the people that are suppose to take care of the earth we should really see how we could make a difference for the marine animals.
Ringed seals in the Baltic Sea are finding fewer and fewer ice caves in which to raise their young. Rising global temperatures are the problem, and in turn are depleting the main food source of the giant polar bear, say scientists.
Ever since the film 'An Inconvenient Truth' showed a polar bear swimming towards a solitary and fragile ice floe, the endangered species has become a symbol of the consequences of climate change.
Where:The Antartic
When:April 7th
Who:Julio Godoy
My opinion:The seals are loosing the ice they need to survive. If the ice fields and ice caves are leaving there will be big ripples.
The cycle will keep on going like a snowball, no ice no seals no polar bears.....no people....
Who: To whom it may concern
What: The Five Most Important Things You Can Do for the Environment
When: Right Now
Where: Everywhere
Why: In order to help out our environment and conserve our resources. It’s important to conserve our recourses.
How: Having less children would help keep the population stable. Over population is one of the world’s most serious problems.
Using less water and keeping it clean.
Eating responsibly supports local farmers.
Conserving energy and using a renewable resource. Like instead of a car ride a bike or take a bus. Just drive less
Reduce your carbon footprints. Many human activities are like big industries are using to much carbon dioxide causing the greenhouse affect.
Swine flu has airports, airlines scrambling
Who: Airports, airlines, and agencies
What: Swine flu is killing people...
When: April 27, 2009
Where: Everywhere. Deaths in Mexico though.
Why: Because that's the way the cookie crumbles?
How: Uh, not landing in some places..
My opinion: The flu sucks. People should just stay inside and not have any sort of contact with any other human being until they are better.
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