Monday, May 25, 2009

Environment Diary #13

Due Friday, May 29


Blogger ma-kj said...

Torrential rains flood Australia's east coast

Who: People in Sydney, Australia
What: torrential rains and strong winds which caused flooding and closing hundreds of schools
When: May 22, 2009
Where: Sydney, Australia
Why: Because it’s the way the weather decided to work.
How: The only thing they can do is save the people. And with that, the Prime Minister told the people of Sydney to stay indoors, and avoid roads.

My Opinion: That sucks. But I mean, they can’t really change it or anything. Cause it’s the weather…

May 26, 2009 at 9:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Climate Change Impacts; The new emerging threat

Coral bleaching results in white, dead-looking, coral.

Healthy coral, by contrast, is very colorful and rich with marine life. (Images source: Wikipedia)
The above-mentioned Status of Coral Reefs Around the World, 2004 also notes (p. 21) that “The major emerging threat to coral reefs in the last decade has been coral bleaching and mortality associated with global climate change.”20% of the world’s coral reefs have been effectively destroyed and show no immediate prospects of recovery;
Approximately 40% of the 16% of the world’s reefs that were seriously damaged in 1998 are either recovering well or have recovered;
The report predicts that 24% of the world’s reefs are under imminent risk of collapse through human pressures; and a further 26% are under a longer term threat of collapse.....
Who - Humans
What - reefs
where - all around the world
why - because of climate change and the people plluting the waters and boats ect.
My opinion -
I think though we need to smarten up and change our way of living abite....
These are some things they are usful for and are good for..... Coral reefs are useful to the environment and people in numerous ways. For example, they

Protect shores from the impact of waves and from storms;
Provide a lot of benefits to humans in the form of food and medicine;
Provide economic benefits to local communities from tourism....

May 26, 2009 at 2:27 PM  
Blogger Meagan said...

Lead Killing Condors, hunters.

What:Condors dead suffered from lead poisoning that biologists believe to be a result of eating bullet-laced animal carcasses left by hunters.

When:Now, and for the past few years. (Past 20 odd years have been spent trying to help the condors not be extinct.)

Where: California

How:The bullets of course are dangerous but they are dying from lead poisoning.

My Opinion: The fact that these are an endagered species and they are carelessly being killed off by oblivious hunters is saddening. If only people would wake up and realize that they are quickly erasing years of progress for this species.

May 27, 2009 at 11:31 AM  
Blogger amiller said...

Owls: A Greener Pesticide

Summary: Who: Owls (Kestrels and Barn Owls in particular)
What: In Israel, hundreds of birds of prey – including endangered species – have been killed from eating rodents that have ingested poisonous pesticides sprayed on farmer fields. “Many farmers think that chemicals are their only option. They use very large amounts of them - spraying them on to their fields from planes," said Motti Charter, a researcher from Tel Aviv University. So, in an effort to change this, a group of scientists and researchers got together in 1983 to start the Global Owl Project.
Where: Israel
When: Wednesday, May 20 2009 10:36 pm
Why: The Global Owl Project has been reaching out to farmers all over Israel. They want to encourage them to stop spraying their fields and install ‘nest boxes’ instead. These nest boxes provide a home for the owls, so they can hunt the rodents instead of farmers having to use pesticides to kill them. Some of these nest boxes even have webcams installed in them! The owls of Israel are less territorial and the population of rodents there is stable throughout the year so the boxes can be placed fairly close together. It is relatively inexpensive; so many farmers all over Israel are looking into it. Jordan recently came on board so it is really bringing the people of Israel together. Motti Charter adds, “These birds will nest wherever there is a suitable habitat. They don’t know national boundaries.”
How: Currently, there are 1,000 nesting boxes all around Israel and they are looking to increase this number greatly in the near future, Jordan just joined the Global Owl Project.

My Opinion: I think this is so cool. It kind of, pardon the expression ‘kills two birds with one stone.’ First, it gets farmers off of using pesticides, which is better the environment let alone the owls. Secondly, it also provides a natural, sustainable environment for the owls to live and hunt. It is relatively inexpensive, and I think farmers all over Israel should invest in as many of these as possible. It will help the farmers business flourish and allow the owl population to increase greatly. Wouldn’t it be awesome if researchers looked into ways for implementing similar projects all over the world?

-Ashleigh Miller

May 28, 2009 at 9:52 PM  
Blogger Natalia said...

Jesse Ord

Tropical Deforestation

Who: Villagers in Brazil
What: Tropical Forests
When: March 30, 2007
Where: the Tropical Forests of Brazil
Why: People need more farming land.
How: The villagers need more farming land, but naturalists do not want to deforest because it holds over half of all the insect population in the world.

My Opinion: I think that Brazil should keep most of their tropical forests because they hold a lot of insects and they look very cool. Those villagers should be able to cut down a few acres for farming but no more than that. They environment they are in needs to be respected, and not completely cut down.

May 29, 2009 at 9:06 PM  
Blogger Ctripke said...

Climate Change crisis ‘Catastrophic’Source:

Who: everyone in the world
What: Hilary Whiteman reports that a “silent crisis” will occur to everyone on the earth due to the affect of climate change. It is said that by 2030 the amount of people affected by global warming will be double the amount of 300 million people to 600 million people. Global climate change has people on the move from their past homes to somewhere that is more sustainable for them to grow food, or even just retrieve food. This causes tension in different areas. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that the earth will warm at least 2 degrees by the end of this century, and it WILL be very catastrophic. The increase of climate change is affecting ALL of the Millennium Development goals! It is the counter act to a successful outcome of the MDG’s. Climate change is mainly affecting those in developing countries, and they really never even contributed to Global warming! People who are chronically hungry will increase because food production will decrease due to dry and hot temperatures. The Global Humanitarian Forum says “Developing Nations need a dramatic injection of funds, 100 times more than what is available in order for change to occur.” The world is discovering a major crisis of global climate change; it is a crisis that we brought upon ourselves.
Where: The world. Most vulnerable areas are the semi-arid dry land belts running from the Sahara/ Sahel to the Middle East and Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Latin America and parts of the U.S and small island states and the Arctic region.
When: NOW!
Why: The “silent crisis” will occur because an increase of temperature over the years changes the sustainability of the environment. This small shift in climate change has a HUGE impact on its surroundings. Farming will be extremely become extremely difficult, which means the production of food decreases.
How: The Earth was made perfect when God created. Due to our pollution from fossil fuels, large industries, automobiles etc. the emission of Co2 gasses into the air has begun to eat away at our ozone layer. This then causes the gradual heating of the earth as we continue to distribute these chemicals into the atmosphere because the ozone layer is no longer completely protecting us from the suns rays. The increase of temperature increases climate change, and the result of climate change is catastrophic. All is not as it should be, because the world has abused the earth of is natural system.

My Opinion: Global warming has been a major issue for many years now. The sad thing is that it has been talked about, and people were warned that if we do not make a change to the way we treat our environment, something could go terribly wrong. Well, I believe we have had our chance to change, and it may now be too late. God created the world perfectly in the beginning, he told us to be stewards of the earth. Mankind has abused the earth of its natural resources, and we are continually spitting out nasty chemicals into the atmosphere that sooner or later will come back and threaten us. I believe that the world really doesn’t want to change. Everyone is too caught up in building bigger and better, and having more. It is this mentality that got us stuck in this situation in the first place. So my question to you is…. Are you willing to change to save our future?

May 30, 2009 at 11:05 AM  
Blogger Ctripke said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

May 30, 2009 at 11:06 AM  
Blogger Amber Axenty said...

Global Bird Species in Serious Decline

Who - the speckled brown Sidamo lark

What - Always a rare sight, the elusive bird may soon vanish from the prairie grasses of Ethiopia forever.

When - June 2, 2009 06:44 AM

Where - within the next few years the Sidamo lark will likely become the first known bird species to vanish from mainland Africa, researchers say.

Why - Habitat loss, climate change, and the spread of invasive species are the main threats to avian biodiversity, the conservation organization said.

How - "We estimate there are fewer than 250 adult individuals left," said Claire Spottiswoode, a research fellow at the University of Cambridge. "In the absence of urgent conservation action on the ground, it is only a matter of time before it goes extinct; no other species on the continent seems to face quite such an imminent fate."

My Opinion - Animals all around the world are becoming endangered or critically endangered with each passing day. The same things keep popping up as the reasons as to which why this is happening. Global warming other stronger predators spreading or increasing and hunters. So the small percent of which is an animal effect the rest is caused by humans ...and that can be just the way we treat the environment. Or how we ruin habitats with our high rises and malls. So to help save these small seemingly insignificant animals we must change our ways almost completely, and most definitely consistently and evenly. It is the circle of life as mufasa put it, the domino effect, we must change first.

June 2, 2009 at 11:23 AM  
Blogger haley said...

who:Harp seals are the primary target of the commercial seal hunt, and to a much smaller extent, hooded seals are also killed. In 2006, 98 percent of the harp seals killed were pups under just three months of age. Sealing is an off-season activity conducted by fishermen from Canada's East Coast. They make, on average, a small fraction of their annual incomes from sealing—and the rest from commercial fisheries. Even in Newfoundland, where 90 percent of sealers live, the government estimates there are less than 6,000 fishermen who actively participate in the seal hunt each year.
what:the killing of innocent baby seals
where:Canada's commercial seal hunt occurs on the ice floes off Canada's East Coast in two areas: the Gulf of St. Lawrence (west of Newfoundland and east of the Magdalen Islands) and the "Front" (northeast of Newfoundland).
when:In 2006, 98 percent of the harp seals killed were pups under just three months of age.
why:Seals are killed primarily for their fur, which is used to produce fashion garments and other items. There is a small market for seal oil (both for industrial purposes and for human consumption), and seal penises have been sold in Asian markets as an aphrodisiac. There is almost no market for the meat, so seal carcasses are normally left to rot on the ice.
how:The Canadian Marine Mammal Regulations, which govern the hunt, stipulate sealers may kill seals with wooden clubs, hakapiks (large ice-pick-like clubs) and guns. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, clubs and hakapiks are the killing implement of choice, and in the Front, guns are more widely used.

It is important to note that each killing method is demonstrably cruel. Because sealers shoot at seals from moving boats, the pups are often only wounded. The main sealskin processing plant in Canada deducts $2 from the price they pay for the skins for each bullet hole they find—therefore sealers are loath to shoot seals more than once. As a result, wounded seals are often left to suffer in agony—many slip beneath the surface of the water where they die slowly and are never recovered.

my opinion:
Baby seals are so cute. Because of man lots of animals have gone extinct. Lets stop it...just stop it.

June 2, 2009 at 3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tar sands smog seen worsening

Who: Albertians
What: Increase pollution coming from tar sand
When: Jan 2009
Why: Increase demands means that the tar sands will be producing more than 300% more oil this year. (From 1 million barrels in 2007 to 3.4 million in 2017) This means an increase in greenhouse gasses, acid rain and other factors that are connected to Global Warming.
How: Right now companies are capturing 200 megatons of Carbon Dioxide. This number though will not rise as production does though as the technology isn't fit for a large increase.

My Opinion: The plan as of right now is to store CO2 underground. There is no way to predict the effects this will have on the environment 5, 10 or 20 years down the road. On the flip side something has to be done as acid rain is predict to rise by 34% and Nitrous Oxides will rise by up to 24%. Something has to be done to protect against this. I also feel this will create tensions with the US as President Obama has promised to protect the environment and these tar sands are far from that.

June 2, 2009 at 7:36 PM  
Blogger Evan said...


At the current rate of spread, 50 per cent of the mature pine will be dead by 2008 and 80 per cent by 2013. The consequences of the epidemic will be felt for decades in British Columbia. The beetle is also posing a real threat to Alberta’s lodgepole pine forests and the Jackpine stands of Canada’s northern boreal forest.

WHO: Its effecting the people of the west, but is caused by the whole world.
WHAT: Boreal forests and many species of pine trees.
WHY: Because of the need for fossil fuels it is causing an epedemic of pine beetle.
MY OPINION: I think that the pine beetle can be stopped but we need to start action toward this issue. My house is surrounded by many ponderosa pine and in 2004 the trees were strong, green, and beautiful. But now the greed of humans has caused the trees to look dried out and died. It’s not only very ugly but it’s a big threat for forest fires. Plus when the tree biodegrade it causes large emissions of carbon to be released. Lets be the change....

June 4, 2009 at 2:23 PM  
Blogger rebekahmcmurphy said...

(sorry this was so late.. ugggh.. busy busy bee)
Environmental Article Summary #13
Rebekah McMurphy
Geography 12

Arctic May Boost Oil and Gas Reserves

Geologist Donald Gautier of the U.S. Geological Survey
Set out to find out how much the Arctic has to offer, to see how much oil and gas the Arctic really has. The Arctic likely contains about 83 billion barrels of undiscovered oil. Which is about 4% of the world's remaining conventional oil and enough to sustain global demand for almost 3 years. It also probably contains about 1550 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, which would be enough to meet world demand for about 14 years.
Dwindling the oil reserves is expected to peak in production by about 2020, so this brings opportunities for exploration elsewhere, and the Arctic is a place where lots can be found.
The Arctic, Most of the resources lie offshore under less than 500 meters of water, which means they are accessible to drilling.
The first-ever comprehensive assessment of Arctic oil and gas deposits reveals that 13% of the world's undiscovered oil and 30% of its undiscovered natural gas could be trapped beneath the far north's barren land and icy waters.
They can get a hold of it by drilling.
My Opinion:
WOW! I would of never ever thought that the Arctic could offer us something, except cold ice water and beauty. But there apparently is a lot of oil and gas to be drilled out! And since the arctic is melting sea ice, it also makes it easier for them to access the oil. I have nothing against using these resources, except that they will turn into more pollution! Which is bad!

June 5, 2009 at 5:39 PM  
Blogger Corey "The Glorious" Werstuik said...


WHO: all living things including animals, plants, rich and poor people.

WHAT: exploring the importance of biodiversity and how it affects those us and those around us.

WHEN: issue has occured since poachers and the population grew to the size it is right now.

WHERE:All around the world including where you live Mr. Enns

WHY: becuase we need greater biodiversity to support our needs and the needs of everyone around us, especially the poor.

HOW: Create and awarness and laws to put out and stop the decreasing biodiversity rate.

OPIONION: ALthough the article is mainly for educational purpose i agree with supporting everything it says and that we need a greater biodiversity on our planet, the part of medical advancements is pretty neato.

June 9, 2009 at 4:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Global Warming and Population

Who: China, India

What: China and India are responsible for runaway climate change and the rich countries cannot do anything without these two giants being involved.

When: February 01, 2007

Where: All over the world, the atmosphere.

Why: Bush, and some British guy, do not want to agree to the Kyoto agreement because China and India are developing countries and produce way more pollution than developed countries because they do not use greener technology.

How: US and others backed out of the Kyoto Agreement.

My opinion: I think that we should help those developing countries (who indeed do produce more pollution than developed countries because of the lack of greener technology), by donating money or parts to build better machines, etc. I also disagree with China and India having a different way of reducing pollution. If an agreement is made with a bunch of countries to reduce pollution, they should all be doing the same thing, even if some are developing countries or developed, but us developed countries should help them out.

June 10, 2009 at 3:57 PM  
Blogger Chankim said...

Climate Change and Global Warming

who-people who live in earth
when-Thursday, January 01, 2009.
what-The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced.
why- Because people are building factory and use gas stuff
how- we should build less factory and don;t use gas stuff
My opinion- if we are keep like this we will get skin cancer after few year

June 10, 2009 at 7:58 PM  

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