Summary: Who: The glaciers in the Himalayas What: The glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world and are expected to disappear by 2035. The Himalayas have the largest concentration of glaciers outside the polar ice caps. For this reason, they are called, “The Water Towers of Asia.” But due to climate change, this vast supply that makes up 70% of earth’s water may disappear. Where: The Himalayas, north of the Indian subcontinent and south of the central Asian high plateau. When: November 11, 2008, 9:37 am Why: Climate change is having a devastating effect on many ecosystems like glaciers. About 70% of glaciers are retreating at a startling rate in the Himalayas from Climate change. It is predicted that most of the glaciers will vanish within 40 years as a result of global warming. These glaciers are retreating 9.5-17 m a year due to global warming. How: This issue will eventually be solved when we lower our gas emissions and stop global warming. If not, this major source of the earth’s water will disappear by 2035.
My Opinion: This is an issue we really need to be concerned with. If we don’t stop or even lower how much we pollute the environment, our main source of water will vanish in around 30 years. If the glacial melt continues, the freshwater flow in rivers across South Asia will eventually diminish resulting in widespread water shortages. This is a serious issue and we need to become more eco friendly and help the environment.
At least one national government is taking climate change seriously. This week, the President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, announced that some of his country's tourism income will be set aside and placed in a fund to buy another homeland, if need be. The 1,200 islands that make up the Maldives lie just above sea level. Even a small rise in the waves would force the islands' 369,000 inhabitants to move. New, drier real estate, probably in neighbouring India or Sri Lanka, has become a priority.
Such may be the results of unchecked carbon emissions, produced mostly by much larger and more industrialized nations.
While the case of the Maldives could have an exceptional finality, climate change threatens catastrophe in many vulnerable places. Rising sea levels in the Indian Ocean and more intense storms caused by warmer water could inundate Bangladesh, for example. Desertification in sub-Saharan Africa has already eaten away at much of the region's small stock of arable land. Warmer temperatures have spread malaria and other insect-borne diseases to new areas. Much of the Third World had little ability to cope with such changes.
Hammering out a binding, serious global plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must be an international priority, especially for the U.S. president-elect, Barack Obama, who is more serious about the environment than his predecessor in the White House.
But the developed world has a particular responsibility to do more than try to rein in carbon emissions. Even aggressive reduction scenarios would still allow some rise in global temperatures. Any new climate pact should also establish a framework to fund adaptation programs in poor countries, including provision for relocating climate refugees.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's announcement last month that Canada would provide $100-million in adaptation aid to small, poor countries was a move in the right direction, although it should of course be paired with a serious commitment to reduce this country's emissions.
As with many other problems, the world's poorest and most helpless citizens will bear the brunt of climate change. Softening the blow should be a moral imperative for the planet's big emitters.
Who:President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed
What: Climate change is not only affecting the environment, it's affecting humans too. Climate change threatens catastrophe in many vulnerable places.
Where:Maldives, the world, Bangladesh
When: Now and in future.
Why: Due to unchecked carbon emissions, produced mostly by much larger and more industrialized nations, our climate change is changing our world, the way we live, where we live, etc.
How: Unchecked carbon emissions. Melting ice.
My Opinion: I think people don't realize how grave this situation is and could be. Our carelessness and laziness is driving the world into shambles. It is, very soon, going to start affecting us and where we live and IF we live. We need to get off of our comfy places and wake up, realize that if we don't change, we could very easily kill ourselves, as the human race, off forever.
Raising Farm Animals that make Global Warming
Who: United Nations report (researchers at the University of Chicago). What: Raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. They believe we can help fix this problem by changing our diet. Most Americans can reduce more greenhouse gas emissions by becoming a vegan than they can by switching to a hybrid electric car. They found that eating a vegan diet prevents the equivalent of 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions every year, more than the 1 ton of CO2 emissions prevented by switching from a typical large sedan to a Toyota Prius. When: 2006 the report was addressed Where: It was researched in Chicago, but they are applying it to the whole world and any farms raising animals for food. Why: Manure from billions of farmed animals of the world produce massive amounts of manure, which emit green house gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. Cow Burps also emit huge quantities of methane via burping and flatulence. Methane has 23 times the global warming potential of CO2, and the livestock industry alone is responsible for 37 percent of human-induced methane emissions. Deforestation causes forests to be destroyed to make room for cattle to graze or to grow crops to feed livestock. When the trees are cut down or burned, the CO2 they store escapes back into the air. Synthetic Fertilizer is for growing feed for farmed animals that requires intense use of synthetic fertilizers manufactured with fossil fuels. This emits a tremendous amount of CO2, and the fertilizer releases nitrous oxide. Burning Fossil Fuels burns fossil fuels releasing CO2, one of the primary gases responsible for global warming. In addition to fertilizer manufacturing, the meat industry uses fossil fuels to heat the buildings that house the animals, to produce of all the crops to feed to the animals, and to transport, process, and refrigerate all of the meat. How: By becoming a vegan, or plainly to not eat meat! To cut down global warming, that becoming a vegan will save 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions every year. My Opinion: I personally think that for everyone to be a vegan is a bad thing, people need protein. But I totally disagree with the way they treat the animals in the farms. I think that global warming is a problem that could cause devastating long term consequences, so I think it’s important to look out for that. But I think everyone should just cut meat from the diet, but not completely forget all meat. Or cut meat, but still have dairy, I think if everyone balanced it out properly, it would be better.
"The number of refugees worldwide grew from 9.9 million in 2007 to 11.4 million in 2008, according to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which identified climate change as one of the leading causes of the global rise in refugees, along with conflict and escalating food prices.
According to the International Red Cross, climate change disasters are now a bigger cause of population displacement than war and persecution. The global impact of the environment on human livelihoods is creating a new kind of casualty: environmental refugees. Rising sea levels, increasing desertification, weather-induced flooding, and more frequent natural disasters have become a major cause of population displacement in several parts of the world—a trend that is very likely to continue.
According to a report published by the United Nations University, there are now about 19.2 million people officially recognized as "persons of concern," people who are likely to be displaced because of environmental disasters. This figure is predicted to grow to about 50 million by the end of the year 2010
The UN points out that these forecasts are not inevitable. If the international community joins forces to create and carry out an effective strategy to curb global warming and manage Earth’s natural resources more efficiently, there still may be time to reverse population displacements and stem the rising tide of refugees."
Summary Who: Refugees across the world, along with “peoples of concern”
What: Because of the climate change, there are now more refugees caused by environmental disasters than war and persecution. At this point in time there are around 19.2 million people officially recognized as “peoples of concern” (people who are likely to be displaced because of environmental disasters). They are predicting that this number will grow to 50 million by the end of 2010
When: The year of 2008 (no specific date was listed)
Where: Worldwide
Why: Due to the negative global impact humans are having on the environment, a new kind of casualty has been created: environmental refugees. Climate change disasters such as rising sea levels, increased desertification and weather-induced flooding, have become a major cause of population displacement around the world. It has been predicted that this is a trend that is very likely to continue
How: If certain measures are not taken, the amount of environmental refugees will continue to rise, reaching a predicted 50 million in the year 2010. Although, the UN has pointed out that these predictions are not inevitable. If the international community comes together and devises a plan to slow down global warming and manage Earth’s natural resources better, there may still be time to reverse this effect of population displacements and begin to lower the number of refugees
My Opinion In my opinion, I find it rather shocking that the number of refugees caused by the climate change is far greater than the amount caused by war. We tend to think that global warming is only having a negative effect on the animals and environment when in reality it is having a drastic effect on humans as well. When we’re hurting the environment, we are really just hurting ourselves. Environmental disasters are occurring across the world more and more frequently and its just a matter of time till they begin to happen in the places we live. Its good to think though that people are beginning to slowly come to realize what really is happening and taking a stand for it. It is possible to reverse the effects that we have done to the Earth; it will just take some work and dedication from us all. A little bit can go along way
Article: BEIJING (Reuters) - A three-kilometer thick cloud of brown soot and other pollutants hanging over Asia is darkening cities, killing thousands and damaging crops but may be holding off the worst effects of global warming, the U.N. said on Thursday.
The vast plume of contamination from factories, fires, cars and deforestation contains some particles that reflect sunlight away from the earth, cutting its ability to heat the earth.
"One of the impacts of this atmospheric brown cloud has been to mask the true nature of global warming on our planet," United Nations Environment Program head Achim Steiner said at the launch in Beijing of a new report on the phenomenon.
The amount of sunlight reaching earth through the murk has fallen by up to a quarter in the worst-affected areas and if the brown cloud disperses, global temperatures could rise by up to 2 degrees Celsius.
But the overall effect of slowing climate change is not the silver lining to a dark cloud that it appears to be.
The choking soup of pollutants may hold temperatures down overall, but the mix of particles means it is also speeding up warming in some of the most vulnerable areas and exacerbating the most devastating impacts of higher temperatures.
The complex impact of the cloud, which tends to cool areas near the surface of the earth and warm the air higher up, is believed to be causing a shortening of the monsoon season in India while increasing flooding there and in southern China.
Soot from the cloud is also deposited on glaciers, which are at the center of environmentalists' and politicians' concerns because they feed Asia's key rivers and provide drinking water for billions who live along them.
There the particles capture more solar heat than white, reflective snow and ice -- speeding up melting of a key resource. At a monitoring station near Mount Everest, soot has been found at levels which scientists say would be expected in urban areas.
There is also a high human cost. The report estimates round 340,000 people are dying prematurely because of damage to their lungs, hearts and risk of cancer.
Scientists are still studying the impact on crops, but possible problems include falling harvests because of less energy for photosynthesis and higher ozone concentrations.
There may also be damage from acidic and toxic particles in the cloud that land on plants, and wider changes to weather patterns may dry up or flood fields.
"The emergence of the atmospheric brown cloud problem is expected to further aggravate the recent dramatic escalation of food prices and the consequent challenge for survival among the world's most vulnerable populations," the report said.
One consolation, however, is that if the world stopped emitting the particles that form the cloud, it could be expected to vanish in weeks, unlike many longer-lasting greenhouse gasses.
The ingredients that make up the cloud are little different from the smog that cloaks many of the world's large cities, particularly in developing nations.
But scientists have realized this local pollution is a global problem, because of the way it rises and spreads.
"We used to think of the brown cloud as a regional-scale urban problem, now we know because of fast transport it travels vertically for three to four kilometers and spreads," said Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan, head of the U.N. scientific panel which is carrying out the research.
There are similar brown clouds over parts of Europe, North America, Africa and the Amazon Basin, though research so far has been focused on the Asian cloud which stretches from the Arabian Peninsula to the Pacific Ocean.
Who:Peoples of southeast Asia, specifically the City of Bejing, China.
What: A three kilometer thick cloud of brown soot. This cloud is mainly causing problems for Asia and the rest of the world but has now been found to reduce the effects of Global warming.
When: November 13, 2008 and will continue into the near future if nothing is done.
Where: Beijing, China
Why: This smog mask is being caused by the many factories, fires, and cars as well as the mass deforestation in most areas.
How: China and other parts of Asia are in the state of mainting their vast number factories, this is the main cause of this extensive pollution but also the density of people living in cities their also contributes, 24/7 pollution from a relenless onslaught of cars.
My Opinion: I personally believe that this intense pollution is not worth it because of the small effect it has against global warming. The first problem I have with the smog is that it is killing people. Bejing shut down the factories to impress the world at the olimpics, this let to a massive decrease in pollution. Since it is now proof that shutting down the factories is a good way of removing the pollution then the dense amount of factiores should either be spread out across China or have a few of them shut down. Another problem I have with this smog and a descision of China is that it completely blocks out any beauty that there might be hidden in that city. In addition to the beauty part of it, there is also the deforestation going on there as well. It is simply not worth it to reduce the main filter of the pollution and replace it with the main cause of the pollution. In the end the fact that it blocks out some of the sun's light that warms the earth is not a good enough excuse that they can use to keep producing this pollution that is expanding upward and outward each day.
Brown clouds dim Asia, threaten worlds food 1:46 p.m. PT, Thurs., Nov. 13, 2008 Caused by the burning of fossil fuels, wood and plants, the brown clouds also play a significant role in exacerbating the effects of greenhouse gases in warming up the earth's atmosphere, the report said.
"Imagine for a moment a 3-kilometer-thick band of soot, particles, a cocktail of chemicals that stretches from the Arabic Peninsula to Asia," said Achim Steiner, U.N. undersecretary general and executive director of the U.N. environment program.
"All of this points to an even greater and urgent need to look at emissions across the planet because this is where the stories are linked in terms of greenhouse emissions and particle emissions and the impact that they're having on our global climate," he said.
Glaciers melting Some particles within the pollution cloud, such as soot, absorb sunlight and heat the air. That has led to a steady melting of the Himalayan glaciers, which are the source of most of the major rivers on the continent, the report said.
The Chinese Academy of Sciences estimates the glaciers have shrunk by 5 percent since the 1950s. At the current rate of retreat, glaciers could shrink by as much as 75 percent by the year 2050, posing a major risk to the region's water security.
The pollution clouds also have helped to reduce the monsoon season in India. The weather extremes may have also played a part in reduced production of key crops such as rice, wheat and soybean, the report said.
At the same time, the brown clouds have also masked the full impact of global warming by helping to cool the earth's surface and tamp down rising temperatures by between 20 to 80 percent, the study said. That's because some of the particles that make up the clouds reflect sunlight and cool down the air.
The latest findings, conducted by an international collaboration of scientists over seven-plus years, are the most detailed to date on the brown cloud phenomenon, which is not unique to Asia. Other hotspots are seen in North America, Europe, South Africa and South America.
In everyone's backyard The enormous cloud masses can move across continents within three to four days, illustrating the fact that the phenomenon is not just a regional urban issue but a global one, said lead scientist Veerabhadran Ramanathan, with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California in San Diego.
"The main message is that it's a global problem. This is not a problem where we point fingers at our neighbors. Everyone is in someone else's backyard," said Ramanathan.
The report also noted that health problems associated with particulate pollution, which include cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, are linked to nearly 350,000 premature deaths in China and India every year, said Henning Rohde, a University of Stockholm scientist who worked on the study.
The value of the study is that scientists looked at the effect of the brown clouds on multiple levels, said Ankur Desai, assistant professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
"Quantifying the impact on people, ice, agriculture, etc., is certainly going to be useful," he said. "The study also brings together scientists who don't traditionally work together into thinking together about the impact, mitigation and fundamental science on how this works."
Summery who: Humans and animals food resources.
what: Thick brown clouds of soot, particles and chemicals stretching from the Persian Gulf to Asia threaten health and food supplies in the world, the cloud is from the burning of fossil fuels and is contributing to glacier melting, and extreme weather conditions, the cloud is so thick it block out 25 percent of sunlight and will spread throughout the whole world. Before this layer of soot was thick enough to see it has been causing about 35,000 deaths a year and now the health issue is critical.
When: 1:46 p.m. PT, Thurs., Nov. 13, 2008
Where: The Persian Gulf to Asia
Why: Caused by the burning of fossil fuels, wood and plants, the brown clouds also play a significant role in exacerbating the effects of greenhouse gases in warming up the earth's atmosphere.
How: We need to start thinking green and conserving power. We need to Drive smart and less also we need to find a way to get everyone to but hybrid cars and continually research alternate forms of power for example hydrogen powered cars. The whole world needs to pitch in to help solve this problem because it will spread throughout the whole world.
Opinion: My opinion on this is that it is just another effect of global warming yes it is a very severe one but we know the steps that we have to take to stop global warming, although there will probably be extra steps know with this cloud. we need are scientist to analyze this cloud more intricate and in more detail. So we can further are knowledge of this problem and of global warming to find more steps that can help and find out how to prevent this problem in the future. All the Nations of the world need to team up right now to fix this because in my opinion this is one of the biggest problems out there right now and it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.
LOS ANGELES -- A huge wildfire fanned by strong winds destroyed at least 70 multimillion-dollar homes in the celebrity enclave of Montecito, northwest of Los Angeles, officials said. The brush fire quickly engulfed more than 800 acres in about six hours on Thursday, ripping through entire blocks of mansions in a community dubbed "America's Riviera." Firefighters were largely powerless to stop the destruction. Montecito, whose 10,000 homeowners include actors John Cleese, Christopher Lloyd and Rob Lowe as well as talk-show host Oprah Winfrey, is about 90 miles from Los Angeles in coastal Santa Barbara County. About 2,500 residents were forced to flee the flames, and 20,000 people in the wider area were without power. Four minor injuries were reported.
Who: Residents of Americas Riviera
What: A brush fire is on the loose, causing people to have to evacuate their homes, as well as threatening beautiful celebrity homes to be damaged. Pour outages also occurred in surrounding areas.
Where: Los Angeles, Montecito, coast of Santa Barbara County
When: November 14th 2008
Why: The wildfire is very serious, so it is necessary to evacuate 2500 residents form there homes to escape the flames.
How: A warning is sent out to the community due to the rate of how the fire is proceeding. Then an immediate evacuation takes place if it is too dangerous.
My thoughts: I think that it is wise to put out precautions and evacuations early to gather your personal belongings. Wildfires are very unpredictable, and can do horrible damage in a very short amount of time. Homes in that area, and surrounding area are all affected by this fire. A lot of different aspects can be seen by the effect of a fire. For instance, home owners now to have to worry about there insurance, and if they can afford to build another home or even continue living in that area. Also there are mass clouds of smoke rising into the atmosphere, which is not good for the environment. Airborne ash can land in surrounding areas, killing plants; possibly animals, and even pollute water systems. The damage done to the environment, economy, and natural human emotions can be devastating in a wild fire situation.
Maddie Forman Recycling conserves resources, saves energy and helps reduce global warming By Larry West,
Who: Americans What:America Recycles Day (ARD), is dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products. When:November 15 every year Where:America Why:The purpose of America Recycles Day is to promote the social, environmental and economic benefits of recycling and to encourage more people to join the movement to create a better natural environment. How: The Americans take the day to rycle and be environmentally friendly In my opinion: I think its a great idea. Its not so out there that it cant be done, its practical. I think any way for form that is encouraging people to be more aware of being respectful and good stewards of the earth is an awesome thing. We need more of it.
Jesse Ord Australia Invests Millions Into Whale Research! Who? Australians What? They are paying alot of money to show Japan that you can study whales without killing them. When? 1 hour 56 minutes ago Where? Australia Why? So that the Japanees dont kill whales unnecessarily How? Preserving the whales life to study them instead of killing them. My Opinion I think this is a wonderful idea! although I think a more pressing issue is maybe the thousands of dying children in the world versus the mink whale population I think that the department of fisheries is doing a good job!
Who - Fat on peoples bellies What - Phosophacore is trying to spread lies into beautiful human beings heads that you need there product to be skinny, and to be happy you need to be skinny. Not only that but do it in the shortest amount of time as possible. Where - Sadly it is sweeping the nation to women (and men i suppose) everywhere When - November 17, 2008 Why - People for some reason have issues with being a little overweight or they might not be overweight at all they just want to look like kate moss or Heidi Clum. Plus it is healthyish too.
My Opinion - Well its that there is about a billion of these lose weight fast things, and i am pretty sure that like only half of them work, while they make you pay lots of money for some kind of magic supplement. When really there's a much cheaper way to lose weight called eating healthy and exercising...this will ensure that you lose it healthily and not freaky fast so you actually have to work for it ...enabling your end result to be that much more gratifying.
Why - the Displaced people are cutting down the Gorillas habitat for firewood to cook meals and heat their temporary homes.
My Opinion - I think its bad the the poeple are having to cut down the tress for keeping them warm and stuff.. although they need to mybe other people or the governemnt can help them keep the Gorillas safe or help the people, so they dont use the forest, so they dont need to cut down the Gorillas habitat.
What: Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change Where: Earth's Atmosphere
When: November 17, 2008
Why: Increasing water vapor leads to warmer temperatures, which causes more water vapor to be absorbed into the air. Warming and water absorption increase in a spiraling cycle.
How: AIRS is the first instrument to distinguish differences in the amount of water vapor at all altitudes within the troposphere. Using data from AIRS, the team observed how atmospheric water vapor reacted to shifts in surface temperatures between 2003 and 2008. By determining how humidity changed with surface temperature, the team could compute the average global strength of the water vapor feedback.
Opinion: We need to come up with a alternative means of transportation if we want to not put an end to, but conserve our atmosphere as much as possible. By eliminating vehicles that run on fossil fuels, we would greatly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being put into our air. Carbon dioxide is just one of the green house gases in our atmosphere, by changing our transportation methods we can eliminate this one off of the list of the gases that are causing global warming.
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants which live in these water bodies. Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water, water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use (like serving as drinking water) or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities. Water pollution has many causes and characteristics. The primary sources of water pollution are generally grouped into two categories based on their point of origin. Point-source pollution refers to contaminants that enter a waterway through a discrete "point source". Examples of this category include discharges from a wastewater treatment plant, outfalls from a factory, leaking underground tanks, etc. The second primary category, non-point source pollution, refers to contamination that, as its name suggests, does not originate from a single discrete source. Non-point source pollution is often a cumulative effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. Nutrient runoff in storm water from sheet flow over an agricultural field, or metals and hydrocarbons from an area with high impervious surfaces and vehicular traffic are examples of non-point source pollution. The primary focus of legislation and efforts to curb water pollution for the past several decades was first aimed at point sources. As point sources have been effectively regulated, greater attention has come to be placed on non-point source contributions, especially in rapidly urbanizing/suburbanizing or developing areas. The specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes. While many of the chemicals and substances that are regulated may be naturally occurring (iron, manganese, etc) the concentration is often the key in determining what is a natural component of water, and what is a contaminant. Many of the chemical substances are toxic. Pathogens can produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal hosts. Alteration of water's physical chemistry include acidity, electrical conductivity, temperature, and eutrophication. Eutrophication is the fertilization of surface water by nutrients that were previously scarce. Water pollution is a major problem in the global context. It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases,[1][2] and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily.
What: Water is being polluted daily by mainly natural resources but party by people being careless for water treatment. This causes the death of many people up to 14 000 people daily.
Where: Water pollution is a world wide issue.
When: September (2008)
How: The issue will be a on going battle.
My Opinion: Water pollution, in my opinion is an issue that is not well enough noticed. Many people die because of this issue and we have perfectly clean water treated water ready at any time. Hopefully we can do more for this issue!
Flora not flourishing in world's hotspots December 10, 2008 10:20 AM
Who: Flowers. What: Flowers and other plants and becoming extinct. Where: Mainly countries closer to the equator. When: December 10, 2008 Why: Possibly human activities. Maybe not. It could just be that different plant species are sensitive to a certain amount of human movement… How: Plant more plants ?
My Opinion: Well, I don’t know. It doesn’t really have an effect on me. Mainly because well, I don’t live near the equator. I mean, if I did, it might mean something. But I don’t right? They should just plant more plants. And everything would be fine.
Who:Half the world's population What:Rapid warming is likely to reduce crop yields in the tropics and subtropics, according to Prof David Battisti of the University of Washington.
The most extreme summers of the last century will become the norm, he calculates, using 23 climate models. When: now ofcourse Why:The weather refused to co-operate, offering mixed messages from record cold temperatures across North America to heatwaves across Europe and the Middle East earlier in the year. Even in Australia yesterday there were flurries of snow on the highest peaks of a shivering Tasmania, while the north of the country sweltered in above-average temperatures.
pooor cows
how:GLOBAL WARMING ofcourse
My opinion: honestly i think that theirs not much we can do to stop this. i think that global warming is supposed to happen. For the tree hugginig atheist yeah they're freaking out because this world is all they've got. So for us i think that we should just make the best of it and try to adapt to the heat and help those in third world countries.
Himalayan Glaciers
Who: The glaciers in the Himalayas
What: The glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world and are expected to disappear by 2035. The Himalayas have the largest concentration of glaciers outside the polar ice caps. For this reason, they are called, “The Water Towers of Asia.” But due to climate change, this vast supply that makes up 70% of earth’s water may disappear.
Where: The Himalayas, north of the Indian subcontinent and south of the central Asian high plateau.
When: November 11, 2008, 9:37 am
Why: Climate change is having a devastating effect on many ecosystems like glaciers. About 70% of glaciers are retreating at a startling rate in the Himalayas from Climate change. It is predicted that most of the glaciers will vanish within 40 years as a result of global warming. These glaciers are retreating 9.5-17 m a year due to global warming.
How: This issue will eventually be solved when we lower our gas emissions and stop global warming. If not, this major source of the earth’s water will disappear by 2035.
My Opinion: This is an issue we really need to be concerned with. If we don’t stop or even lower how much we pollute the environment, our main source of water will vanish in around 30 years. If the glacial melt continues, the freshwater flow in rivers across South Asia will eventually diminish resulting in widespread water shortages. This is a serious issue and we need to become more eco friendly and help the environment.
-Ashleigh Miller
Nest Egg Against Drowning
At least one national government is taking climate change seriously. This week, the President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, announced that some of his country's tourism income will be set aside and placed in a fund to buy another homeland, if need be. The 1,200 islands that make up the Maldives lie just above sea level. Even a small rise in the waves would force the islands' 369,000 inhabitants to move. New, drier real estate, probably in neighbouring India or Sri Lanka, has become a priority.
Such may be the results of unchecked carbon emissions, produced mostly by much larger and more industrialized nations.
While the case of the Maldives could have an exceptional finality, climate change threatens catastrophe in many vulnerable places. Rising sea levels in the Indian Ocean and more intense storms caused by warmer water could inundate Bangladesh, for example. Desertification in sub-Saharan Africa has already eaten away at much of the region's small stock of arable land. Warmer temperatures have spread malaria and other insect-borne diseases to new areas. Much of the Third World had little ability to cope with such changes.
Hammering out a binding, serious global plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must be an international priority, especially for the U.S. president-elect, Barack Obama, who is more serious about the environment than his predecessor in the White House.
But the developed world has a particular responsibility to do more than try to rein in carbon emissions. Even aggressive reduction scenarios would still allow some rise in global temperatures. Any new climate pact should also establish a framework to fund adaptation programs in poor countries, including provision for relocating climate refugees.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's announcement last month that Canada would provide $100-million in adaptation aid to small, poor countries was a move in the right direction, although it should of course be paired with a serious commitment to reduce this country's emissions.
As with many other problems, the world's poorest and most helpless citizens will bear the brunt of climate change. Softening the blow should be a moral imperative for the planet's big emitters.
Who:President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed
What: Climate change is not only affecting the environment, it's affecting humans too. Climate change threatens catastrophe in many vulnerable places.
Where:Maldives, the world, Bangladesh
When: Now and in future.
Why: Due to unchecked carbon emissions, produced mostly by much larger and more industrialized nations, our climate change is changing our world, the way we live, where we live, etc.
How: Unchecked carbon emissions. Melting ice.
My Opinion: I think people don't realize how grave this situation is and could be. Our carelessness and laziness is driving the world into shambles. It is, very soon, going to start affecting us and where we live and IF we live. We need to get off of our comfy places and wake up, realize that if we don't change, we could very easily kill ourselves, as the human race, off forever.
Environmental Article Summary #3
Rebekah McMurphy
November 12th, 2008
Geography 12
Raising Farm Animals that make Global Warming
Who: United Nations report (researchers at the University of Chicago).
What: Raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. They believe we can help fix this problem by changing our diet. Most Americans can reduce more greenhouse gas emissions by becoming a vegan than they can by switching to a hybrid electric car. They found that eating a vegan diet prevents the equivalent of 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions every year, more than the 1 ton of CO2 emissions prevented by switching from a typical large sedan to a Toyota Prius.
When: 2006 the report was addressed
Where: It was researched in Chicago, but they are applying it to the whole world and any farms raising animals for food.
Why: Manure from billions of farmed animals of the world produce massive amounts of manure, which emit green house gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. Cow Burps also emit huge quantities of methane via burping and flatulence. Methane has 23 times the global warming potential of CO2, and the livestock industry alone is responsible for 37 percent of human-induced methane emissions. Deforestation causes forests to be destroyed to make room for cattle to graze or to grow crops to feed livestock. When the trees are cut down or burned, the CO2 they store escapes back into the air. Synthetic Fertilizer is for growing feed for farmed animals that requires intense use of synthetic fertilizers manufactured with fossil fuels. This emits a tremendous amount of CO2, and the fertilizer releases nitrous oxide. Burning Fossil Fuels burns fossil fuels releasing CO2, one of the primary gases responsible for global warming. In addition to fertilizer manufacturing, the meat industry uses fossil fuels to heat the buildings that house the animals, to produce of all the crops to feed to the animals, and to transport, process, and refrigerate all of the meat.
How: By becoming a vegan, or plainly to not eat meat! To cut down global warming, that becoming a vegan will save 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions every year.
My Opinion: I personally think that for everyone to be a vegan is a bad thing, people need protein. But I totally disagree with the way they treat the animals in the farms. I think that global warming is a problem that could cause devastating long term consequences, so I think it’s important to look out for that. But I think everyone should just cut meat from the diet, but not completely forget all meat. Or cut meat, but still have dairy, I think if everyone balanced it out properly, it would be better.
“Climate Change Creating More Refugees than War”
"The number of refugees worldwide grew from 9.9 million in 2007 to 11.4 million in 2008, according to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which identified climate change as one of the leading causes of the global rise in refugees, along with conflict and escalating food prices.
According to the International Red Cross, climate change disasters are now a bigger cause of population displacement than war and persecution. The global impact of the environment on human livelihoods is creating a new kind of casualty: environmental refugees. Rising sea levels, increasing desertification, weather-induced flooding, and more frequent natural disasters have become a major cause of population displacement in several parts of the world—a trend that is very likely to continue.
According to a report published by the United Nations University, there are now about 19.2 million people officially recognized as "persons of concern," people who are likely to be displaced because of environmental disasters. This figure is predicted to grow to about 50 million by the end of the year 2010
The UN points out that these forecasts are not inevitable. If the international community joins forces to create and carry out an effective strategy to curb global warming and manage Earth’s natural resources more efficiently, there still may be time to reverse population displacements and stem the rising tide of refugees."
Who: Refugees across the world, along with “peoples of concern”
What: Because of the climate change, there are now more refugees caused by environmental disasters than war and persecution. At this point in time there are around 19.2 million people officially recognized as “peoples of concern” (people who are likely to be displaced because of environmental disasters). They are predicting that this number will grow to 50 million by the end of 2010
When: The year of 2008 (no specific date was listed)
Where: Worldwide
Why: Due to the negative global impact humans are having on the environment, a new kind of casualty has been created: environmental refugees. Climate change disasters such as rising sea levels, increased desertification and weather-induced flooding, have become a major cause of population displacement around the world. It has been predicted that this is a trend that is very likely to continue
How: If certain measures are not taken, the amount of environmental refugees will continue to rise, reaching a predicted 50 million in the year 2010. Although, the UN has pointed out that these predictions are not inevitable. If the international community comes together and devises a plan to slow down global warming and manage Earth’s natural resources better, there may still be time to reverse this effect of population displacements and begin to lower the number of refugees
My Opinion
In my opinion, I find it rather shocking that the number of refugees caused by the climate change is far greater than the amount caused by war. We tend to think that global warming is only having a negative effect on the animals and environment when in reality it is having a drastic effect on humans as well. When we’re hurting the environment, we are really just hurting ourselves. Environmental disasters are occurring across the world more and more frequently and its just a matter of time till they begin to happen in the places we live. Its good to think though that people are beginning to slowly come to realize what really is happening and taking a stand for it. It is possible to reverse the effects that we have done to the Earth; it will just take some work and dedication from us all. A little bit can go along way
BEIJING (Reuters) - A three-kilometer thick cloud of brown soot and other pollutants hanging over Asia is darkening cities, killing thousands and damaging crops but may be holding off the worst effects of global warming, the U.N. said on Thursday.
The vast plume of contamination from factories, fires, cars and deforestation contains some particles that reflect sunlight away from the earth, cutting its ability to heat the earth.
"One of the impacts of this atmospheric brown cloud has been to mask the true nature of global warming on our planet," United Nations Environment Program head Achim Steiner said at the launch in Beijing of a new report on the phenomenon.
The amount of sunlight reaching earth through the murk has fallen by up to a quarter in the worst-affected areas and if the brown cloud disperses, global temperatures could rise by up to 2 degrees Celsius.
But the overall effect of slowing climate change is not the silver lining to a dark cloud that it appears to be.
The choking soup of pollutants may hold temperatures down overall, but the mix of particles means it is also speeding up warming in some of the most vulnerable areas and exacerbating the most devastating impacts of higher temperatures.
The complex impact of the cloud, which tends to cool areas near the surface of the earth and warm the air higher up, is believed to be causing a shortening of the monsoon season in India while increasing flooding there and in southern China.
Soot from the cloud is also deposited on glaciers, which are at the center of environmentalists' and politicians' concerns because they feed Asia's key rivers and provide drinking water for billions who live along them.
There the particles capture more solar heat than white, reflective snow and ice -- speeding up melting of a key resource. At a monitoring station near Mount Everest, soot has been found at levels which scientists say would be expected in urban areas.
There is also a high human cost. The report estimates round 340,000 people are dying prematurely because of damage to their lungs, hearts and risk of cancer.
Scientists are still studying the impact on crops, but possible problems include falling harvests because of less energy for photosynthesis and higher ozone concentrations.
There may also be damage from acidic and toxic particles in the cloud that land on plants, and wider changes to weather patterns may dry up or flood fields.
"The emergence of the atmospheric brown cloud problem is expected to further aggravate the recent dramatic escalation of food prices and the consequent challenge for survival among the world's most vulnerable populations," the report said.
One consolation, however, is that if the world stopped emitting the particles that form the cloud, it could be expected to vanish in weeks, unlike many longer-lasting greenhouse gasses.
The ingredients that make up the cloud are little different from the smog that cloaks many of the world's large cities, particularly in developing nations.
But scientists have realized this local pollution is a global problem, because of the way it rises and spreads.
"We used to think of the brown cloud as a regional-scale urban problem, now we know because of fast transport it travels vertically for three to four kilometers and spreads," said Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan, head of the U.N. scientific panel which is carrying out the research.
There are similar brown clouds over parts of Europe, North America, Africa and the Amazon Basin, though research so far has been focused on the Asian cloud which stretches from the Arabian Peninsula to the Pacific Ocean.
Who:Peoples of southeast Asia, specifically the City of Bejing, China.
What: A three kilometer thick cloud of brown soot. This cloud is mainly causing problems for Asia and the rest of the world but has now been found to reduce the effects of Global warming.
When: November 13, 2008 and will continue into the near future if nothing is done.
Where: Beijing, China
Why: This smog mask is being caused by the many factories, fires, and cars as well as the mass deforestation in most areas.
How: China and other parts of Asia are in the state of mainting their vast number factories, this is the main cause of this extensive pollution but also the density of people living in cities their also contributes, 24/7 pollution from a relenless onslaught of cars.
My Opinion:
I personally believe that this intense pollution is not worth it because of the small effect it has against global warming. The first problem I have with the smog is that it is killing people. Bejing shut down the factories to impress the world at the olimpics, this let to a massive decrease in pollution. Since it is now proof that shutting down the factories is a good way of removing the pollution then the dense amount of factiores should either be spread out across China or have a few of them shut down. Another problem I have with this smog and a descision of China is that it completely blocks out any beauty that there might be hidden in that city. In addition to the beauty part of it, there is also the deforestation going on there as well. It is simply not worth it to reduce the main filter of the pollution and replace it with the main cause of the pollution. In the end the fact that it blocks out some of the sun's light that warms the earth is not a good enough excuse that they can use to keep producing this pollution that is expanding upward and outward each day.
jamie fielder
Brown clouds dim Asia, threaten worlds food
1:46 p.m. PT, Thurs., Nov. 13, 2008
Caused by the burning of fossil fuels, wood and plants, the brown clouds also play a significant role in exacerbating the effects of greenhouse gases in warming up the earth's atmosphere, the report said.
"Imagine for a moment a 3-kilometer-thick band of soot, particles, a cocktail of chemicals that stretches from the Arabic Peninsula to Asia," said Achim Steiner, U.N. undersecretary general and executive director of the U.N. environment program.
"All of this points to an even greater and urgent need to look at emissions across the planet because this is where the stories are linked in terms of greenhouse emissions and particle emissions and the impact that they're having on our global climate," he said.
Glaciers melting
Some particles within the pollution cloud, such as soot, absorb sunlight and heat the air. That has led to a steady melting of the Himalayan glaciers, which are the source of most of the major rivers on the continent, the report said.
The Chinese Academy of Sciences estimates the glaciers have shrunk by 5 percent since the 1950s. At the current rate of retreat, glaciers could shrink by as much as 75 percent by the year 2050, posing a major risk to the region's water security.
The pollution clouds also have helped to reduce the monsoon season in India. The weather extremes may have also played a part in reduced production of key crops such as rice, wheat and soybean, the report said.
At the same time, the brown clouds have also masked the full impact of global warming by helping to cool the earth's surface and tamp down rising temperatures by between 20 to 80 percent, the study said. That's because some of the particles that make up the clouds reflect sunlight and cool down the air.
The latest findings, conducted by an international collaboration of scientists over seven-plus years, are the most detailed to date on the brown cloud phenomenon, which is not unique to Asia. Other hotspots are seen in North America, Europe, South Africa and South America.
In everyone's backyard
The enormous cloud masses can move across continents within three to four days, illustrating the fact that the phenomenon is not just a regional urban issue but a global one, said lead scientist Veerabhadran Ramanathan, with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California in San Diego.
"The main message is that it's a global problem. This is not a problem where we point fingers at our neighbors. Everyone is in someone else's backyard," said Ramanathan.
The report also noted that health problems associated with particulate pollution, which include cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, are linked to nearly 350,000 premature deaths in China and India every year, said Henning Rohde, a University of Stockholm scientist who worked on the study.
The value of the study is that scientists looked at the effect of the brown clouds on multiple levels, said Ankur Desai, assistant professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
"Quantifying the impact on people, ice, agriculture, etc., is certainly going to be useful," he said. "The study also brings together scientists who don't traditionally work together into thinking together about the impact, mitigation and fundamental science on how this works."
who: Humans and animals food resources.
what: Thick brown clouds of soot, particles and chemicals stretching from the Persian Gulf to Asia threaten health and food supplies in the world, the cloud is from the burning of fossil fuels and is contributing to glacier melting, and extreme weather conditions, the cloud is so thick it block out 25 percent of sunlight and will spread throughout the whole world. Before this layer of soot was thick enough to see it has been causing about 35,000 deaths a year and now the health issue is critical.
When: 1:46 p.m. PT, Thurs., Nov. 13, 2008
Where: The Persian Gulf to Asia
Why: Caused by the burning of fossil fuels, wood and plants, the brown clouds also play a significant role in exacerbating the effects of greenhouse gases in warming up the earth's atmosphere.
How: We need to start thinking green and conserving power. We need to Drive smart and less also we need to find a way to get everyone to but hybrid cars and continually research alternate forms of power for example hydrogen powered cars. The whole world needs to pitch in to help solve this problem because it will spread throughout the whole world.
Opinion: My opinion on this is that it is just another effect of global warming yes it is a very severe one but we know the steps that we have to take to stop global warming, although there will probably be extra steps know with this cloud. we need are scientist to analyze this cloud more intricate and in more detail. So we can further are knowledge of this problem and of global warming to find more steps that can help and find out how to prevent this problem in the future. All the Nations of the world need to team up right now to fix this because in my opinion this is one of the biggest problems out there right now and it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.
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Wildfire devastates celebrity enclave near L.A.
LOS ANGELES -- A huge wildfire fanned by strong winds destroyed at least 70 multimillion-dollar homes in the celebrity enclave of Montecito, northwest of Los Angeles, officials said. The brush fire quickly engulfed more than 800 acres in about six hours on Thursday, ripping through entire blocks of mansions in a community dubbed "America's Riviera." Firefighters were largely powerless to stop the destruction. Montecito, whose 10,000 homeowners include actors John Cleese, Christopher Lloyd and Rob Lowe as well as talk-show host Oprah Winfrey, is about 90 miles from Los Angeles in coastal Santa Barbara County. About 2,500 residents were forced to flee the flames, and 20,000 people in the wider area were without power. Four minor injuries were reported.
Who: Residents of Americas Riviera
What: A brush fire is on the loose, causing people to have to evacuate their homes, as well as threatening beautiful celebrity homes to be damaged. Pour outages also occurred in surrounding areas.
Where: Los Angeles, Montecito, coast of Santa Barbara County
When: November 14th 2008
Why: The wildfire is very serious, so it is necessary to evacuate 2500 residents form there homes to escape the flames.
How: A warning is sent out to the community due to the rate of how the fire is proceeding. Then an immediate evacuation takes place if it is too dangerous.
My thoughts:
I think that it is wise to put out precautions and evacuations early to gather your personal belongings. Wildfires are very unpredictable, and can do horrible damage in a very short amount of time. Homes in that area, and surrounding area are all affected by this fire. A lot of different aspects can be seen by the effect of a fire. For instance, home owners now to have to worry about there insurance, and if they can afford to build another home or even continue living in that area. Also there are mass clouds of smoke rising into the atmosphere, which is not good for the environment. Airborne ash can land in surrounding areas, killing plants; possibly animals, and even pollute water systems. The damage done to the environment, economy, and natural human emotions can be devastating in a wild fire situation.
Maddie Forman
Recycling conserves resources, saves energy and helps reduce global warming
By Larry West,
Who: Americans
What:America Recycles Day (ARD), is dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products.
When:November 15 every year
Why:The purpose of America Recycles Day is to promote the social, environmental and economic benefits of recycling and to encourage more people to join the movement to create a better natural environment.
How: The Americans take the day to rycle and be environmentally friendly
In my opinion: I think its a great idea. Its not so out there that it cant be done, its practical. I think any way for form that is encouraging people to be more aware of being respectful and good stewards of the earth is an awesome thing. We need more of it.
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Jesse Ord
Australia Invests Millions Into Whale Research!
Who? Australians
What? They are paying alot of money to show Japan that you can study whales without killing them.
When? 1 hour 56 minutes ago
Where? Australia
Why? So that the Japanees dont kill whales unnecessarily
How? Preserving the whales life to study them instead of killing them.
My Opinion I think this is a wonderful idea! although I think a more pressing issue is maybe the thousands of dying children in the world versus the mink whale population I think that the department of fisheries is doing a good job!
The loss of Belly Fat
Who - Fat on peoples bellies
What - Phosophacore is trying to spread lies into beautiful human beings heads that you need there product to be skinny, and to be happy you need to be skinny. Not only that but do it in the shortest amount of time as possible.
Where - Sadly it is sweeping the nation to women (and men i suppose) everywhere
When - November 17, 2008
Why - People for some reason have issues with being a little overweight or they might not be overweight at all they just want to look like kate moss or Heidi Clum. Plus it is healthyish too.
My Opinion - Well its that there is about a billion of these lose weight fast things, and i am pretty sure that like only half of them work, while they make you pay lots of money for some kind of magic supplement. When really there's a much cheaper way to lose weight called eating healthy and exercising...this will ensure that you lose it healthily and not freaky fast so you actually have to work for it ...enabling your end result to be that much more gratifying.
Virunga Conflicts Escalates Gorillas At Risk
Who - World Wildlife Foundation
What - Virunga Gorillas
When - Nov.17 2008
where - eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Why - the Displaced people are cutting down the Gorillas habitat for firewood to cook meals and heat their temporary homes.
My Opinion - I think its bad the the poeple are having to cut down the tress for keeping them warm and stuff.. although they need to mybe other people or the governemnt can help them keep the Gorillas safe or help the people, so they dont use the forest, so they dont need to cut down the Gorillas habitat.
Andrei Eremia
Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change
Who: Water Vapor in our atmosphere
What: Water Vapor Confirmed as
Major Player in Climate Change
Where: Earth's Atmosphere
When: November 17, 2008
Why: Increasing water vapor leads to warmer temperatures, which causes more water vapor to be absorbed into the air. Warming and water absorption increase in a spiraling cycle.
How: AIRS is the first instrument to distinguish differences in the amount of water vapor at all altitudes within the troposphere. Using data from AIRS, the team observed how atmospheric water vapor reacted to shifts in surface temperatures between 2003 and 2008. By determining how humidity changed with surface temperature, the team could compute the average global strength of the water vapor feedback.
Opinion: We need to come up with a alternative means of transportation if we want to not put an end to, but conserve our atmosphere as much as possible. By eliminating vehicles that run on fossil fuels, we would greatly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being put into our air. Carbon dioxide is just one of the green house gases in our atmosphere, by changing our transportation methods we can eliminate this one off of the list of the gases that are causing global warming.
Water Pollution
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants which live in these water bodies.
Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water, water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use (like serving as drinking water) or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities. Water pollution has many causes and characteristics. The primary sources of water pollution are generally grouped into two categories based on their point of origin. Point-source pollution refers to contaminants that enter a waterway through a discrete "point source". Examples of this category include discharges from a wastewater treatment plant, outfalls from a factory, leaking underground tanks, etc. The second primary category, non-point source pollution, refers to contamination that, as its name suggests, does not originate from a single discrete source. Non-point source pollution is often a cumulative effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. Nutrient runoff in storm water from sheet flow over an agricultural field, or metals and hydrocarbons from an area with high impervious surfaces and vehicular traffic are examples of non-point source pollution. The primary focus of legislation and efforts to curb water pollution for the past several decades was first aimed at point sources. As point sources have been effectively regulated, greater attention has come to be placed on non-point source contributions, especially in rapidly urbanizing/suburbanizing or developing areas.
The specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes. While many of the chemicals and substances that are regulated may be naturally occurring (iron, manganese, etc) the concentration is often the key in determining what is a natural component of water, and what is a contaminant. Many of the chemical substances are toxic. Pathogens can produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal hosts. Alteration of water's physical chemistry include acidity, electrical conductivity, temperature, and eutrophication. Eutrophication is the fertilization of surface water by nutrients that were previously scarce. Water pollution is a major problem in the global context. It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases,[1][2] and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily.
What: Water is being polluted daily
by mainly natural resources but party by people being careless for water treatment. This causes the death of many people up to 14 000 people daily.
Where: Water pollution is a world wide issue.
When: September (2008)
How: The issue will be a on going battle.
My Opinion: Water pollution, in my opinion is an issue that is not well enough noticed. Many people die because of this issue and we have perfectly clean water treated water ready at any time. Hopefully we can do more for this issue!
Flora not flourishing in world's hotspots
December 10, 2008 10:20 AM
Who: Flowers.
What: Flowers and other plants and becoming extinct.
Where: Mainly countries closer to the equator.
When: December 10, 2008
Why: Possibly human activities. Maybe not. It could just be that different plant species are sensitive to a certain amount of human movement…
How: Plant more plants ?
My Opinion: Well, I don’t know. It doesn’t really have an effect on me. Mainly because well, I don’t live near the equator. I mean, if I did, it might mean something. But I don’t right? They should just plant more plants. And everything would be fine.
- maegan knorr
Who:Half the world's population
What:Rapid warming is likely to reduce crop yields in the tropics and subtropics, according to Prof David Battisti of the University of Washington.
The most extreme summers of the last century will become the norm, he calculates, using 23 climate models.
When: now ofcourse
Why:The weather refused to co-operate, offering mixed messages from record cold temperatures across North America to heatwaves across Europe and the Middle East earlier in the year. Even in Australia yesterday there were flurries of snow on the highest peaks of a shivering Tasmania, while the north of the country sweltered in above-average temperatures.
pooor cows
how:GLOBAL WARMING ofcourse
My opinion: honestly i think that theirs not much we can do to stop this. i think that global warming is supposed to happen. For the tree hugginig atheist yeah they're freaking out because this world is all they've got. So for us i think that we should just make the best of it and try to adapt to the heat and help those in third world countries.
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